Top 35 Best Foot Tattoo designs for women

The feet don’t have to be the most attractive part of the body. So cool foot tattoo designs for women can make them look great.

Foot body art has been around for more than 50,000 years. And it is one of the most diverse types of art due to the connection between different cultures. Besides, the differences in ink taste between men and women.

Many designs are personal artistic expressions of personal identity or interests from the back of the toes to the sides and heels. And even the occasional sole.

Foot tattoo designs are almost universally painful because the feet have a lot of bone but not much flesh. Meanwhile, foot tattoos can rival ink shedding from the hands. Most collectors (I have tattoos on both feet) agree that it’s always worth having a killer design.

Check out this set of foot tattoos for over 35 that may help with your next tattoo decision.

Do foot tattoos hurt?

Tattoos on feet hurt. This is because the skin is thin, there is a lack of muscle and fat, and the nerve endings are concentrated close to the bones. How painful your tattoo is will depend on your pain threshold, the size of your design, and the details needed. You may experience some swelling and bruise in the days following the tattoo. Getting around can be more challenging over the next few days, and you can’t wear socks or shoes, which can be difficult if you have something to do.

More tattoo design inspirations

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52 Elegant butterfly tattoo designs for girls first tattoo attempt

30 Cute Small finger tattoos for girls to be stylish

How long can I go without shoes after getting a tattoo on my foot?

Shoes should not be worn for a few days after the tattoo, and it will take two to three weeks to heal. Shoes and socks can cause damage and interfere with the healing process because they cause friction and make your body more susceptible to infection and irritation.



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